Monday, March 12, 2007

32) Working on Seats

Erin has luckily volunteered to make headway on the seats. I marked out all of the mortises needed on the seat frames and Erin drilled the mortises out with a 1/4" brad point bit in the drill guide. I followed up with a chisel and file to clean up the holes. After I had the pieces finished I clamped the seat together and did a test weave. I ordered this 1/2" nylon webbing from the web (Erin picked out the color). Chris Glad emailed me some great instructions on how to weave the seats, I am also showing a picture from the back of the seats so you can get an idea how it is woven (it is very sloppy, but this is a test weave). I think it looks really cool. Next I glued the seats up with dowels and gorilla glue. I did a test glue of the joint with gorilla glue, as I suspected, the wood failed before the glue joint (sorry no pic). So gorilla glue will work just fine.

1 comment:

Juergen said...

Hi Frank!

Great site!!! Thanks for all the information!

Do you have instructions for the seat webbing? I want to redo mine and yours look just perfect.

Thanks in advance!